Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's been a while

I haven't made any sincere posts since Ironman Arizona. There is one main reason! I am enjoying time away from triathlon. I'm thinking about other things and I'm spending my time doing other things; and I think for that my mind and body are thankful. But here's a bit of what I've been up to.

Kevin asked me to do a short interview with him back in June. It was just posted on his (good looking) site. I would have answered some questions differently after this season, but it was nice to remember where my head was back in June. That was back when I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make the trip to Kona. Oh the memories and experiences that still lied ahead...
Check it out on Finishline-multisport.

Oh, back to the fabulous off season. In SoCal so many refuse to take time away. Thankfully we had 2 weeks of cool weather, clouds and rain. I embraced it, and stayed off the roads and trails. I have a few aches to heal, and therefore have stuck to my "pre-Ironman Arizona: Do not run/ride until ankle pain/inflammation is gone" plan. I've embraced the life as a yogi fish! Yup, yoga and swimming has been my way of life for the past 3 weeks. I did nothing but a little yoga for 2 weeks, then added swimming last week, and this week I'm adding in some solid lifting sessions. I've ignored every single invite to go for an "easy" run or ride! I'm enjoying a real off season! Don't get me wrong. I miss running and riding, but that is what will get me back on the road and trails with a vengeance in 2010!

So it's been all about the pool. This solo sport adventure can get boring, so I've added a bit of a challenge to the mix this week. After two consecutive days of 6,000yd swim workouts I might have an idea: Can I get in 40,000yds this week? Plus, I need to get myself back into swimming shape so I can tackle the yearly swim workout I often do with my old swim team back home. And when I say old, I mean the age group swimmers who let me jump in with them for a long long workout (did I seriously do those workouts when I was 12?!?!?!?!). It's a lot of fun to get worked by a bunch of high school swimmers! Every Christmas I go to the pool thinking of getting in a short solo swim, but my old coach convinces me to jump in for their workout. Within 200yds a bunch of kids half my height are working me with their superior butterfly skills.

In the fog of Ironman training I missed out on quality time with a lot of dear friends. One of which welcomed an adorable son into the world 9months ago. He is so fun now! We took him to see the sea lions (I don't think he knew there were animals down there lounging on the beach). Our trip to the Del Mar Christmas lights was so special because we got to enjoy it through his eyes. Warren, you rock!

Better get back to the pool...17,500 down 22,500 to go.

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