Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pics here, race report below...

Heading out of the long swim and into T1:

Onto the bike and into the wind!

The wind isn't enough....can we order up some rain too?!?!?

Up and over one of the shorter climbs on the course:

And finally, onto the run (clearly I still need to work on dropping the shoulders and arms!):

Thanks for reading and thank you to everyone for the comments, emails, texts and calls!! Having such awesome support from friends and family makes racing so much more fun!

If I were to share a picture with you from today's activity it would involve a pull buoy, the san diego sun, and me floating slowly up and down the 50m pool. Seriously, running down those 15% grade hills does a number on the legs!

1 comment:

beth said...

great pictures and great race! i can't believe you're going to Kona aagin (Well, i can)...i just wish i was joining you!
maybe next year :)
awesome job- you deserve it and worked your butt off!!