Saturday, June 27, 2009

We like it hot hot hot!!!

If that's your motto, then this is the place to be! Upon arriving in Lubbock yesterday I quickly remembered what the sun feels like beating down on you. I went to get my rental car, and lucky me it is BLACK! No tinted windows...just black! As if the 97 degree temps weren't enough, I opened the car door and just about fainted. I sat with the air conditioning blasting, but am not sure it helped all that much. However, I'm not complaining. I do like it hot on race day. Last year this race was cold, wet, stormy, and windy. I'll take the heat over that any day!
My lucky weekend started at the airport. I stood back from the check in desk and surveyed the scene. I needed to quickly determine which attendant was the nicest, and that's who I wanted to check my bags with. Turns out I picked right! The charge for my bike was the same $15 feel as it costs for any bag. SCORE! I hate flying with my bike, but without the $150 price tag it didn't feel quite as bad. fast forward to later in the day when I had to unpack my bike...and I was cursing having to fly with my bike. If only TriBike Transport serviced every race! I love them, and hate bike boxes.

Besides the usual joys of travel the day here has been standard as far as pre-race days go. Well, that is except for the wonderful accomidations! I have a home stay with a great couple, DeeDee and Steve. They have been so inviting and welcoming. It adds so much to the race experience! I'm a lucky girl!

This morning I met up with my friends Brad and Michael for a quick swim, bike, run. By 8:00am it was about 88 degrees out. By the time we were done I'm pretty sure it was close to 100. It's cooking down here in Lubbock! Storms are predicted to roll in over night, so it might cool off a little bit. I just pray for light winds (due to a last minute rear wheel complication I'll be riding the disc. It isn't the best wheel choice for this race, but I'll have to roll with it).

DeeDee and Steve not only are incredibly generous and have a beautiful home, but they have a ridiculously large movie selection. So it's time for me and my compression tights to get the legs up and vedge by the tv. First up: Bucket List.


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